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  • 型   號:FMM50
  • 類   別:重錘式物位計
  • 價   格:
  • 更新時間:2024-09-11

Applications:The Silopilot M FMM50 is an electromechanical level measurement system. Depending on the sensing weight, the level in bunkers or silos can be measured - whether for dusty, fine or coarse.



The Silopilot M FMM50 is an electromechanical level measurement
system. Depending on the sensing weight, the level in bunkers or
silos can be measured - whether for dusty, fine or coarse - grained
bulk products, or in tanks containing liquids.
According to the mechanical design of the Silopilot and the fittings,
measurement in silos or tanks can be performed at operating temperatures
up to 230°C and at operating pressures up to 3 bar absolute,
or in aggressive atmospheres, e.g. acidic or caustic vapours.

The advantages at a glance
• Measurement of levels up to 70 m irrespective of the product
• Accuracy of ±5 cm or ±1 pulse, therefore precise detection of the
• Compact transmitter with 0/4 - 20 mA current output as well as
further free programmable signal outputs, e.g. counter pulse
• Quick menu-guided local operation using a 4-line text display
• Fully electronic digital minimum fail-safe control, therefore no
running down of the sensor weight into the silo outlet and no risk
to the conveying systems
• High performance three-phase engine (traction power up to 500N)
using a single-phase supply voltage by employment of a converter,
therefore simple electric supply
• Optional design with certification for application in areas subject to
dust explosion hazard zones 20, 21 an 22 (measuring zone) or
zones 21 and 22 (device zone), category 1/2D.


上一篇 : SJ直通視鏡    下一篇 :  FT2000射頻導(dǎo)納物位計

遼陽佳譽(yù)儀器儀表有限公司版權(quán)所有  地址:遼寧省遼陽市太子河區(qū)榮興路中段122號佰弘億拓產(chǎn)業(yè)園3號樓3-2#
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